Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world~ Marilyn Monroe
Let’s admit it, being a girl is pretty effing awesome! Even with all the spectacular opportunities that girls have today, sometimes we need to consult our life’s toolbox to get by. From a choir of supporters to a perfect pair of pants, there are some things a girl just can’t do without!
Here are my top 20 things every girl needs to not only SURVIVE, but THRIVE!
A Hammer
Not to break your piggy bank or break hearts, but to put the pieces of your life together. Sure building Ikea furniture may not be your favorite pastime, but the sheer satisfaction in knowing that you can hammer a nail, hang a picture or put together a wardrobe all by your damn self is a pretty sweet reward. Hard Hat Zone: Women Working!
A Pair of Dancing Shoes
See that girl? She is the dancing queen! And no dancing queen is complete without a pair of dancing shoes. Shoes that feed her twirls, cushion her toes and make her feel like she’s floating on air. Got a problem, you can dance your pain away and have a helluva good time!
A Favorite Book
Smart girls are the best girls and chicks who read are too cool for school. Remember the first time you read your favorite book, how it made you feel, how you connected with the characters? Every girl needs a book that she can come back to, visit old friends, find new themes and lose herself in the story.
A journal
Mae West once said “Keep a journal & eventually it will keep you”. I beg to differ. As women we are expressive by nature and getting our thoughts and feelings out is imperative. I’ve journaled since I was in high school and I have kept every last one. Sure they’re full of angsty rants, but mostly journaling has helped me through a lot of issues and experiences.

A dress that speaks to her curves
The right dress can turn heads and put you on the clouds. Whether its a sassy swing style or low cut freakum dress, every girl needs a frock that hugs her curves and makes her feel unstoppable.
A Goodie Drawer
Before you get all hot & bothered, it doesn’t have to rival anything Samantha would have. Stock it with all the pulsating gadgets your heart desires and elevate the practice of self-love to a higher art form. 
A Crush
Crushing is good for the soul…. longing is not. If there’s someone who fuels your fancy let the butterflies wash over you and get crushed… flirt a little, get in touch with your inner school girl and most of all; have a good time!
A Passion
What fires you up? What did you dream of becoming when you were younger? The world is your boardroom and pursuing your dreams is a prerequisite! Follow your heart and it will lead you to the things you love! There’s no stopping a woman with a plan!
A Gaggle of Great Girlfriends
What would the world be like without friends? Not nearly as much fun or filled with as much laughter. Our girlfriends are our anchors, the ones who keep us grounded, tell us like it and love us for who we are. My girlfriends are my CORE, the council I turn to and who would never lead me astray.
A favorite flick
Chick flick, rom com or zombie film; there’s one movie that you love that no one else understands. I could literally watch Evita a million times and I never cease to cry on the balcony scene! It’s my thing, sue me!
A passport with at least one stamp
To all the aspiring jetsetters; get thee a passport! The world is a big place and every girl needs to see it! Start small and before you know it, you’ll be racking up the frequent flyer miles. All it takes is one stamp in your passport to fuel your everlasting wanderlust.
A pair of Feel Good Pants
Second only to the perfect dress is the perfect pair of pants. Those trousers you can reach for on your most bloated days and still feel like a rockstar!
An album that sings her soul
My heart beats to the voice of Nina Simone. Her music speaks to me and brings me up, down and through it all. Music is a true healer and in the movie of our lives the soundtrack is of uber importance! What songs sing your soul?
A good male friend
Sure we love to dish with the girls, but having a great guy in your life is icing on the cake. Where better to get the real deal on the males, than one of their own. He’ll tell you like it is and treats you like one of the boys.
A Computer
The digital revolution will be televised & blogged & tweeted! In today’s ever evolving world every girl needs to be technologically saavy! It’s an order!
A cause near & dear to her heart
Are you a champion for sustainable fashion? A freedom fighter against domestic violence. There’s so much more to life than pretty frocks and street style and having a cause to support and fight for not only helps someone else but enriches your soul. Want world peace? Start by supporting a local organization against violence.
A padded bank account
Baby got Bank! Smart girls know that having money in the bank is worth two shoes on the rack. While saving your coins may be easier said than done, every chica worth her 401K needs a nest egg for a rainy day.
A guy (or girl) who adores you
Helen of Troy isn’t the only one who can launch a thousand ships! In someone’s eyes you are the world and you are deserving of that adoration! Whether your admirer is out and proud or secretly longing, every girl needs that special someone who thinks she’s special.
A Favorite Body part
Daddy long legs, svelte stomach, bodacious bosom! Embracing your assets and loving your body is a step in the direction to fully loving yourself. We all have a favorite feature, so let’s play it up and embrace our beautiful bodies as God created them!
A sense of humor
Life is short and laughter is good for your soul! Practice seeing the light side of life and stop sweating the small stuff. Laugh more, love more and live more!
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